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Learning Tip of the Month

Homework – do you feel like a battalion chief?

Let’s face it — for your children to be successful at school, homework is a necessary thing to do. A state of calmness needs to be present to move beyond the battleground and get to the place of your kids wanting to do their homework. To reach that place of calm, the body requires full expansive breath.

Here are a few easy self-help acupressure points to help open up and expand breath: Hold your upper arms by folding your arms across your chest. Then, while still holding your right fingertips on your left arm, move your left hand to the base of your right ribcage.

You have just touched three separate points that when held in conjunction with each other, remind your body to breathe, be calm, and let go of the battle.

Deborah Myers, founder of Health at Your Fingertips, teaches people of all ages how to use the Daily Clean Your House Flow to support good health and well-being. After finding relief from chronic pain as a result of back injury, she made the commitment to share what she learned with others.