Kid Scoop News

Learning Tip of the Month

Accupressure for Health and Focus

When adults and kids are healthy, it’s easier to concentrate and get more accomplished. Studying, writing papers, practicing music or playing sports can all be a challenge for kids who don’t feel up to par.

Here are a few easy self-help acupressure tips to help you stay healthy:

  1. With right hand, cup left shoulder near neck
  2. With left hand, hold sit-bone area
  3. With left hand, place fingers on right side of forehead
  4. With right hand, place fingers on left side of back of head

Deborah Myers, founder of Health at Your Fingertips, teaches people of all ages how to use the Daily Clean Your House Flow to support good health and well-being. After finding relief from chronic pain as a result of back injury, she made the commitment to share what she learned with others.