Kid Scoop News

Learning Tip of the Month

Back-to-School Tips

Easy ways to make it a successful year.

The long and lazy summer has come to an end and everything changes in your home. Here’s some tips to help ease the transition:

The night before is the time to prepare backpacks complete with all supplies required and any paperwork that needs to go to school.

For some children, it helps to lay out the clothes they will wear the next day for school so you’ll reduce indecision on the day.

A couple of weeks before the start of school is the time to start adjusting bedtimes to allow for that early start.

Meet the teacher. Introduce yourself and your child and make sure you know the back-to-school night date and time.

Together with your child, designate a place where they will be able to do homework. Make it a comfortable space for them but as distraction-free as possible.

Make sure you have all the requested school supplies before school starts.

Be positive. Starting school may or may not be easy for your child but your attitude will make a huge difference. As soon as you can, adopt a routine for school days that works for everyone. Have a great school year!