Kid Scoop News

Learning Tip of the Month

Slash Your Trash!

This month’s Kid Scoop News is full of information about ways kids and families can protect our planet. One great family project would be to see how much you can cut back on the amount of trash you toss each week.


Pick one day a week to weigh and measure the amount of trash you accumulate. Weigh or measure the trash and record this. Then discuss what is in the trash and how you might have less next week. BONUS: If you are really ambitious, weigh your weekly trash accumulation!


Plan how you will accumulate less trash. Here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Use reusable bags when you go shopping.
  2. Use reusable containers for your packed lunches.
  3. Buy foods from the bulk section and store in mason jars.
  4. Reduce junk mail by writing “Rejected. Return to sender. Take me off your mailing list” on junk mail and leave it in the mailbox for the mailman to return to the sender.
  5. Recycle everything you can.
  6. Use old rags for cleaning instead of paper towels.

Reducing and reusing keeps money in your pocket and can do a lot of good for our communities and environment.

For more ideas go to