Kid Scoop News

Question of the Month

What’s the best way to keep kids safe online?

Tips from The internet can be fun, but it also requires responsibility, so your kid learns how to be a safe, strong digital citizen! What does that mean? They’re learning to:

  • Find fun, cool stuff online.
  • Set limits on how much time they spend online.
  • Keep personal information—like their phone number and address—private.
  • Pause and think before searching, clicking, and sharing.
  • Ask before they go online.

Pay attention to their feelings and provide help when they feel scared or confused about something they see online.

Music Video Provides A Good Place to Start a Conversation with your child about COVID-19 has created a music video that works as a great starting place for a conversation about COVID-19. Watch their music video featuring their digital citizenship friends!

Watch it together (turn on captions so you can see the lyrics) and sing along!

After viewing, talk about it:

  1. What was your favorite part of the song? Why?
  2. What rules do we have about using apps and going online?
  3. What sites are OK to use?
  4. What are the time limits? Make a list of safe sites and apps and your rules to put in a place where your whole family can see it!