Kid Scoop News

Young Reporter

First Lady Student Town Hall Encourages Students to Lead Healthy Lives

By Veronica Talbert, Kid Scoop White House Student Correspondent

First Lady Michelle Obama’s nationwide ‘Lets Move!’ initiative is all about health and preventing childhood obesity. On Wednesday, April 7th 2010, the First Lady held a Student Town Hall in the State Dining Room of the White House.

Veronica at Whitehouse

During the town hall, a student asked Mrs. Obama to define obesity. She said obesity was when someone’s weight gets over what it should be. Heath is the #1 issue in young kids and teens. Mrs. Obama said that she too, was just a typical person (before becoming First Lady) who fed her kids on the run, and didn’t cook a family meal very often. Their family’s pediatrician told them they’d better watch what they ate. That’s why she chose ‘Lets Move!’ as her presidential initiative. To solve their heath problem, the Obamas made simple changes to their daily activities. Such as exercising frequently, no sugary sodas, no candy every day, TV only on weekends, cooking family meals more often, eating out less, and eliminating desserts except on weekends and special occasions. Simple changes like this can make a big difference.

Mrs. Obama thinks all kids should be ‘Lets Move!’ ambassadors in their home and schools. You have the power to choose what healthy habits you perform each and every day. In a survey of 18 year olds, the verdict was that they spend about 4 hours a day on things such as TV, laptops, video games, etc. Mrs. Obama believes that the solution to that is not governmental, but parental. We can all choose to live healthier.

Our first lady also believes that we need to improve the nutritional value of school lunches. Children eat more than half of their meals at school. Most lunches today are packaged foods that are frozen then re-heated. Mrs. Obama says we need to have healthier, fresher produce available in all lunchrooms and cafeterias. Lunch needs to be low in sodium, fat and sugar. Vending machines need fresher, healthy options.

She thinks our curriculum needs recess and P.E. Some schools have completely taken both out! Recess and P.E. give kids socialization time and physical education.

Another health problem that ‘Lets Move!’ is addressing is food deserts. Food deserts are areas where people cannot buy fresh produce. They can’t get things like apples, carrots, broccoli, even bananas! Mrs. Obama also mentioned one town that went 10 years with only a small gas-and-convenience-market, instead of a grocery store. The only state that has eliminated all of their food deserts is Pennsylvania. The First Lady wants to eliminate food deserts everywhere, but financing is an issue. But she will do what she can.

During the Town Hall, some schools were on the phone from all over the country, ready to ask questions. They also picked members of the audience for already planned questions.

Another problem the First Lady spoke about is false advertising, such as a sugary soda commercials playing during a kids program. If the kid watches the program a lot, then they can the impression that that soda is good for you. They will then beg their parents to get them the soda!! Commercials make you think that the soda is all good. Then you go and buy it, and see it has 500 calories!

The First Lady’s message is to think before you before you grab that huge, loaded cheeseburger, soda and fries. Think about the calories. Think about the impact of it in 10 years. It’s harder to change your eating habits at an older age, so adjust when you’re young. She said: “Convenience will not be so convenient soon!”